Publié 2023-03-25
Care of Carl’s style advising service is directed towards those who wish to update their wardrobe or have questions regarding style. By entering your style preferences, you can generate a personalized experience through Care of Carl. You can also receive personalized advice through chat, email, or a booked telephone call. Our style advisors have many years of experience in guiding men to thoughtful investments. Everything from questions about dress codes, the fit of clothes, and shirt models to in-depth discussions about your everyday wardrobe.
By entering your style preferences in terms of clothing style and favorite brands in the Style Advise service, you can personalize your experience at Care of Carl. If you choose to activate “My style” in the product filter, a selection of chosen garments is created based on your clothing style.
Many know their clothing style, down to the smallest details, but perhaps do not have time or the patience to find the garments to fit the style. Perhaps you require style advice for a wedding or help to expand your base wardrobe. Maybe you have grown tired of tiring and aging patterns. Helped by our style advisors, you can create stylish outfits that are useful and feels right for you, based on your style preferences.
Our telephone style advice is a premium service for those who have style-related questions, and a chance to chat about styles and clothes. The service is free of charge and incurs no purchasing obligation. You fill in your style preferences in the Style Advice service, book your appointment via the calendar, receive a confirmation via email, and then receive a call from our experienced style advisor. After the telephone appointment with our style advisor, a style advice email is sent; this contains a personally curated selection of clothes adapted to yourself. The clothes contained in the email are reserved/held in your shopping cart for 24-48 hours, depending on the size. This allows time to decide on the garments without risking them being out of stock. The style advice is offered in English.
Our style advice helps you with guidance on your style, whether you want to chat with a style advisor or want a more personalized experience when shopping at Care of Carl.
+46 (0)10-707 95 80
Du lundi au vendredi, de 08h00 à 17h00 CET/CEST. Des frais internationaux s'appliquent. Veuillez vérifier auprès de votre opérateur avant d'appeler ou, alternativement, contactez-nous par e-mail à l'adresse ci-dessous.
Nous nous efforçons de répondre à votre courriel dans un délai d'un jour ouvrable.
Les coordonnées des différents services sont disponibles ici.
Les réponses aux questions les plus fréquemment posées se trouvent ici..
Nous proposons actuellement des conseils en style personnalisés à la fois via des rendez-vous numériques et physiques à proximité de notre siège à Borås, Suède.
Si vous êtes intéressé(e) et souhaitez prendre rendez-vous avec notre personal shopper, envoyez un e-mail à en précisant si vous préférez une rencontre digitale ou physique, et nous vous répondrons avec plus de détails et des propositions de créneaux horaires.
Nos conseillers en style sont impatients de vous aider à actualiser votre garde-robe et à investir dans des vêtements de qualité qui durent dans le temps !