Publié 2022-01-01
Linen is a natural material made from the flax plant and its stem. The plant is usually grown in a slightly colder climate, which is why Russia, the Baltics and parts of China have become large producers, but also in Ireland and Scandinavia there has previously been a larger production of flax and a long tradition of refining the material.
The material often has a very matte surface that can look a little rough at first glance, which means that it is usually classified as a looser material than fine wool qualities. Over time, however, and the more you wash and use your garment, the linen tends to get a better sheen.
Linen also has a tendency to wrinkle, which you can probably see as part of the charm of the material and one of its better attributes.
The linen has, in comparison with other materials such as cotton, has an incredibly high absorbency, as much as 20% of its own weight before it starts to feel moist. If you like numbers, we can also mention that it absorbs 50% of its own weight before water begins to drip from the fabric, which is twice as much as a cotton fabric. This is one of the reasons why materials are very often used for towels, but are also suitable in garments for hot and sweaty summer days when you need to stay dry and cool.
In addition to the linen fabric absorbing moisture well, it also gets rid of moisture quickly. The fibres that the fabric is made of are hollow, which makes air flow through more easily and it both feels cool to wear during the summer months as well as insulates the body when it is colder.
The fabric is also very durable, and is one of the most durable fibres we use in everyday life. Unlike many other materials, the linen actually only gets even stronger when it is damp. The fabric is also not very elasticated, which means that it rarely loses its shape or twists and holds, wash after wash, its shape remains the same.
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