Publié 2022-02-22
If you have walked along the boardwalk in Cannes, skied in St. Moritz or had a drink in Capris piazza, then you have most likely seen their shops. Wedged between the well-known fashion cities of Paris and Milan, they stand out from the crowd, with their simple logo with the eye catching red dot. We are of course talking about the Neapolitan master tailors Kiton, and we want to make it clear that you should take us seriously when we say: it doesn’t get better than this.
It all began in Napoli in 1968, when Ciro Paone founded the company that would grow to become an empire with shops on every luxury street in the world. The company starting up in Napoli isn’t really that odd. Napoli has since the 1300s been Europe’s epicentre for the textile trade, and many of the inhabitants have grown up with knowledge of scissors and thread. The name Kiton comes from the greek word khitōn, a complete garment that was worn by both genders in ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. It is sacred that it has the same name as what Kiton have managed to create in just 5 decades.
Since the beginning, have Kiton sewed their own clothes in a traditional way, where many steps are still executed by hand. Every garment can take up to 25 hours to make, which is a process that involves more than 150 people. Every tailor has to be vigilant with the processes and to keep themselves constantly updated on the processes, the tailors switch stations frequently. This is a deeply unique process, because tailors and shoemakers from the biggest fashion brands often have one or a few responsibilities. To secure their quality for the future and today: Kiton have started a tailor school, where the majority of students choose to work for Kiton.
To sum up Kiton’s tailoring, in short we can only state that like the notes of a soprano, who cracks glass with only their voice, Kiton cracks all conceivable myths about what quality really should be about. Are you looking for the world’s best garments and blazers, then you don’t have to look further. O mio Kiton caro!
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