Publié 2023-05-16
Recently, we have seen trends on social media with tips on how to dress according to the "Old Money" aesthetic. In addition to the fact that the style and the concept inspires, it also arises discussions concerning the actual meaning of “Old Money”. In this article, we go through where the term originates from and how it is interpreted today, as well as giving examples of clothing that is often associated with the saying.
The term "Old money" refers to individuals and families who have had significant wealth for several generations. Born into wealth, the heirs often considered conservative and traditional people who value an aristocratic lifestyle of simplicity and elegance over opulence and ostentation.
In addition to having access to privileged opportunities and networks, they also have the advantage of never having to worry about their clothes or taste going out of style, as Old-Money people traditionally maintain a timeless and classic style. They prefer to wear high-quality garments in fine materials. They usually prefer discrete colours and patterns and avoid trendy clothes with logos.
The style is like the preppy style, but much more subdued in terms of colour and pattern. One dresses in expensive but discreet clothes that signal wealth in a subtle and understated way, even though there is no agenda to brag about it.
Men can often be seen in suits or blazers in classic colours such as navy blue, grey, or brown. Oxford shirts and linen shirts in classic colours like white or light blue with a cable knit sweater hanging over their shoulders. Shoes often made of high-quality leather, such as a pair of Oxfords or loafers. Chinos and suit trousers are usually worn instead of jeans.
The style also differs depending on where in the world we are. In the US, Old Money is more like a subdued preppy style, and something that, for example, Chuck and Nate wear in the Gossip Girl series. In the UK, we see more Barbour jackets and hand-sewn shoes of the highest quality. If you like the aesthetic and are looking for people whose style of dress can inspire you, the characters in Succession, Prince Harry and his mother Princess Diana.
On social media and various forums, discussions take place about whether one can call one's style Old Money, if one is not born into the said category. Some argue that Old Money is in fact a lifestyle and an inheritance - not a style of clothing. Possibly, one could compare it to when city people suddenly want to dress like cowboys after watching the Yellowstone series, even though they have never set foot on a ranch or in a stirrup - as a kind of reversed cultural appropriation.
Some argue that if you originate from old money, there is an underlying gentlemanliness that includes humility, courtesy, and an unpretentious approach - just like the style of dress. Therefore, there is no agenda to signal wealth by wearing expensive clothes. It is rather something that permeates the entire lifestyle and happens "naturally". Anything else would be considered "new money" in some circles and therefore not gentlemanly.
On the other hand, other critics, beyond the new rich and Old Money circles, argue that regardless of humility and subtlety, Old Money is a pretentious lifestyle where no work or achievement is required to achieve status and admiration. Where the style of dress is also criticised for being simply boring and colourless.
In summary, the clothing style for "Old Money" is timeless, elegant, and simple. A style that does not scream for attention but rather signals a discreet and sophisticated taste and lifestyle. The Old Money style is, whether we like it or not, an inheritance, especially in the form of the timeless clothing style that stretches back several generations.
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